“America, Please Learn From The Scars Of History”

by Chip Williford

Looking back and knowing where we’ve come from

At all the obstacle that have been placed in our way

The hangings, the torture, even the many mysterious killings of some

makes me wonder how am I even alive, sane and here today

 I will never forget the stories told by my parents and grandparents

about the sacrifice our ancestors made

Not that long ago When they were captured, chained, shackled together, and shipped

Across the ocean, far away in a stockade

 You know, It really wasn’t that long ago

Even if they try to silence me by cutting off my tongue and ears

My eyes will always tell the stories of (the) oppressed fears

Our stories, our fears:

The fear of being stripped down naked

Tied, whilst stinging lashes thrust upon our rears

While questioning, questioning the existence of God ever being there

Making us pray that god was here and wishing, Yes, wishing this ole life’s End was near


We are the proud descendants of those who were treated worse than barren dirt

Our fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers were Beaten, Bought, Sold, Rented And Traded

No Words could Ever excuse Our Hurt

Everything about us they told us was Hated

Slave owners didn’t care about Separating A Black African Man from his family

They were only concerned with their own satisfaction, status, wealth

To them we were all just a commodity

They didn’t give a damn how we felt

 I will not be quite, get over it, nor will I forget

That’s right, as long as I can still remember

And as long as I have breath, I will tell our stories:


My great grandfather’s father, Peter, was born enslaved

With a value of five hundred thirty-eight dollars he was appraised

Listed As property, right there on the Inventory sheet of slave owner, Allen T. Overby, recently deceased

Negro boy Peter, Bequeath, to Another slave owner

I shame by Not mentioning their name

To whom he was released.

At the very early age of seven, Peter was separated from his family

Peeled violently from the loving arms of his weeping mother Jenny

Snatched, shirt soaking wet with the tears of his brothers, Frank age 4 And two-year-old Joe

Did Peter ever see his family again? I don’t know.



Poisoned Heirloom

Passed down from one generation to the next generation, beginning at birth Living their entire lives, most times with little or no hope at all in sight


Words are inadequate to describe or excuse our hurt

No matter what they say or feel about Slavery

Slavery, Just wasn’t right!


I will continue to tell our stories, I will not forget: 

With wide eyes filled with festering hatred, coming from all directions, closely gathered did they band

By the blazing dirt with babies in their arms and youngins held tightly by the hand 

Screaming and yelling “Nigger” as they dragged me by my feet

Delivering my reckoning, while still I weep.

She was forced to spread her young trembling legs

As we cried, pleaded and begged as we bled.


Fire burns high rapidly, loudly when generously kindled with seasoned timber of hate

No one escaped unscathed,

There was no place to run, There was no place to hide,

There was no place sacred, No place was Safe.

What a damn shame!


Look, there’s still time to start healing from the scars of history but, by first, Telling the truth.

Yes The Truth! The reality: this nation, The land of the free,

Was formed, founded and is still being governed

With ideology embedded in racism, sexism and other cruel and in-humane atrocities


You see, Native American Genocide and Slavery

Are just two of the Many deep scars in America’s History doused in blood and tears,

Evoking painful memories with significance too important not to hear

America, will you ever learn From the scars of history?


Now, here we are in the 21st century,

Are things really much better? “Hell No!”

Our judiciary system has gone completely insane

Which only makes me realize that although some things have changed

There are still … just too many things that have remained the same

And we are the ones left …again with immeasurable pain.

While evil and unjust people in the highest office remain

We will all be limited as to what we will gain


Yes, We must continue to vote! March! stand up! and to speak out Loudly for what is right

But for how long will we have to live and fight

Those who think they are better than all of us, simply, because their skin is white?

 I hate the thought of being shot down because of the color of my skin

But I will always remember, no Unfortunately, I am constantly reminded, when I walk out my door,

That’s the cruel reality all black men are in.

Will it ever end or must we all die

Before god pay’s attention to our desperate cry?

America, will you please learn from our horrid past, and not lose sight?


Any action fueled with Hate, Homophobia, Sexism, Racism, White Supremacy Ideology…

Just isn’t right!


Separating children from their parents and family members at the southern boarders.                

Denying basic needs and Treating people inhumanly.

Just isn’t right!


Making and enforcing laws designed to disproportionately put and keep Black People and People of Color…

In Prison, Disenfranchised, Depressed and Oppressed…

Just isn’t right!


Killing our Black men, women and children while No One is being held accountable

Just isn’t right!


Please, Please Learn and let’s heal from the scars of history

America, Please don’t lose sight!


Based on the notion…

If this idea of “America”

Truly being “The Great Nation”  “Land  Of The Free”

Then Liberty, Equality and Justice

Must be Inclusive

 Yes, Inclusive…

Including people who look like You and Me.




Immaculate Intimacy